Unknown Avenues

Tuesday, September 28, 2004

Fanfare for the Common Man

Greetings programs!

I had wanted to make a grand entrance into the world of blogging, with a well crafted introduction, pictures, interviews...something worthy of at least a "Dateline" special. But I must instead turn my nacent post into a chilling word of warning from the future...


Yes, a world without Twinkies. Shudder at the thought. Go on, collect yourself. I'll wait.

IBC will continue to produce these little diet-bombs for the forseeable future, or will be bought out by some larger fish in the sea. So, for the moment, our soft, creamy vice will still be availble whenever we need that particular crutch.

Still, it raises some interesting thoughts.

Twinkies are a part of America's national identity. An icon, if you will. Strange, then, that they could disappear forever simply by poor company management. I know other brands and products have gone off to Shangri La, never to return. Still, people lament the loss of such goods, and give unrehearsed speeches beginning with "Back when I was a kid...". Exactly when does a product cease being a heading in a ledger, and become something greater? Maybe we need to create some National Society for the Preservation of Pop Culture and ask for funding. I'll hold the hat.

Besides, what would W.E.A.T.C.A.M.P do in such a dire emergency? Maybe he'd get on by creating one of those little bracelets with the initials "W.W.W.D?".

But, enough banter for now. Look for more unnecessary ramblings on a wide variety of subjects. Games, news, friends, life, the universe, and everything.

2 pts.


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