Unknown Avenues

Friday, August 12, 2005

Down home at the X-Games

This week the famous X-Games are held. Those are those sports on ESPN, in which young people do crazy things like jump over mountains with a skateboard, or bike through lava, or something equally bizzare. Extreme is the name of the game.

I'm a bit of an extreme athelete myself, actually. My sport is Extreme Reading.

This past week I went on a very enjoyable camping trip with my dad. Out in the wilds, roughing it. Good times, good times. Monson Lake State Park, if you're interested, is the smallest and probably least used State Park in Minnesota. Not too far from where I live, but a nice quiet, bug free area. And clean, too. I reccomend it if you are looking for a decent campground.

Anyway, my main activity while braving nature and her minions? Reading. I'd like to think I could read anywhere, like over a mountain or in lava or some crazy thing like that.

My reading was occasionally broken up by Extreme Hotdog Grilling. That's just a hobby, tho.


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